Joachim Arts is professor at the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) and holds visiting a visiting appointment at the MIT. Joachim’s research interests are in operations research and its applications in supply chain, logistics, maintenance, and business analytics. Much of his research is practice driven as he works with companies such as ASML, Railway operators, Philips, and others. His research has been published in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Transportation Science, European Journal of Operational Research, and IISE Transactions (formerly IIE Transactions). Prior to joining LCL, Joachim was an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology and a visiting scholar at the MIT Sloan school of management. He is a recipient of the European Doctoral Dissertation Award from the European Federation of Operations Research Societies and Veni career grant from the Netherlands Foundation for scientific research.
My CV can be downloaded here